Membership |
Membership at Charles Street Video is open to professional artists working with video, film, audio, installation, Extended reality (XR), and other media art forms. To be eligible for CSV's reduced "Artist" rates when using CSV's equipment, members must be working on non-commercial projects, over which they have sole creative control.
To become a member, contact the CSV office to make an appointment for an in-house orientation. You will be asked to fill out and sign an application form in which you agree to adhere to CSV's policies and procedures (please see the Member Responsibilities page for further information), and to allow CSV to make a copy of some form of picture identification.
Production Membership: $150* ($125 on renewal)
Production Membership for Student/Seniors: $60 ($45 on renewal)
Our production membership provides access to equipment rentals, editing stations, space rentals, 70-90% off workshops, and potential production and screening opportunities through our Maker Space and Video Chuck programs. A currently valid student card is necessary to receive the Student discount. A driver’s licence or senior’s card is necessary to receive the Senior’s discount. (To qualify for the Senior’s discount, you must be aged 65 or older.)
Workshop Membership: $170*
Enjoy unlimited, free access to CSV workshops for 12 months with this annual membership rate (less than $15/month!)**
All-in Membership (Workshop + Production): $220*
All-in Membership for Student/ Senior: $130*
Get the perks of both our production and workshop memberships with this great option.
Indigenous Production Membership: FREE
In the spirit of redress and solidarity, CSV offers free production membership to Indigenous artists. This membership is equivalent to a Charles Street Video Production Membership (see above).
*plus HST – Note that your fee may be tax-deductible as a “professional association” fee.
** Unlimited workshop access is restricted to scheduled workshops only. On-demand and one-on-one workshops are not included.
National Access Program
This program is designed for artists traveling to Toronto from out of town to work on a "one-off" production project, over which they have creative control, and who are members of other Canadian, non-profit, artist-run video, audio and film organizations. CSV will honour artists' memberships in these organizations by waiving our membership fee and charging our Artist Rate. Contact the office for further details about this program.
Non-Member or Commercial Productions
Charles Street Video offers a competitive rates for both members and non-members working on commercial productions. All commercial or non-member projects must be discussed in advance with a CSV staff member.
Note that for insurance and security reasons, non-members may not rent mobile equipment.
Code of Conduct
CSV also has adopted and upholds the City of Toronto's policy statement that prohibits discrimination and harassment and protects the right of all its staff members, clients and visitors to be free of hate activity from, or within the organization, and based on one’s age, ancestry, citizenship, creed (religion), colour, disability, ethnic origin, family status, gender identity, level of literacy, marital status, place of origin, membership in a union or staff association, political affiliation, race, receipt of public assistance, record of offences, sex, sexual orientation, or any other personal characteristic. Details about City of Toronto Human Rights and Anti-Harassment Policy may be found here:
Charles Street Video is located on 76 Geary Ave on a level ground floor space.
There are two parking spots (which may be in use) in front of the entrance. These parking spots can not be used by CSV members (until we finalize our transition) but parking may happen on the other side of the street.
There is a black ramp which you may use to enter CSV or you may use the 5 sets of stairs that lead into the space. The doors for both entrance methods open outwards and are not powered.
The room is well lit with overhead lights, as well as ventilated with fans throughout.
There are two wheelchair accessible washrooms in the space, one big enough for a powerchair turn around.
We are in the process of transition to scent free soap, and encourage all guests to attend our events scent-free.
We welcome and invite your feedback about how to make the space easier for you to use. Contact us in person, via phone at 416-603-6564, or email with your suggestions or questions.
If you require interpretation, or have any other access needs or questions, please contact csv@charlesstreetvideo.com at least two weeks in advance. It is important to us to do everything we can to create a safe and accessible space.