
Marnie Parrell Residency

in partnership with Imaginative

 6th Annual CSV/imagineNATIVE Residency Program

imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival and Charles Street Video (CVS) are pleased to announce that Métis filmmaker, writer and artist Marnie Parrell has been selected for the 6th Annual CSV/imagineNATIVE Residency.

This residency was developed to offer a mid-career or established Indigenous artist the opportunity to expand their practice and experiment with the latest video technologies while creating a new, short video work.

Marnie Parrell is a Métis filmmaker, writer, artist and artmaker who began her film practice in 1988. Her films and videos have been screened nationally and internationally at many festivals and galleries, including: YYZ Artist Outlet, Cinematheque Ontario, Winnipeg Aboriginal Film Festival, imagineNATIVE Film and New Media Festival, Hallwalls Buffalo and The Power Ball Toronto. Parrell has received several awards and grants and fellowships, among them the Cynthia Licker’s Sage Award and Chalmers Arts Fellowship. She completed a Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of Toronto and an MFA at York University in film production, where she wrote, directed and edited The Future, a 'so-last-week', half-hour 'femsploit-action' sci-fi adventure.

"This residency provides a unique opportunity to experiment with the production facilities and equipment at CSV. I look forward to enhancing my skills, working with the knowledgeable staff at CSV and completing a new piece, the intent of which is to provide a space, however brief, where the viewer can allow themselves to find a moment's peace,” said Marnie Parrell.

Parrell’s films are hybrids - short, experimental, narratives and documentaries. Her early work was small gauge and low-tech including regular and super-8 film and the Fisher Price Pixelvision. She also has an interest in wearable electronics and found objects/art, with which she continues to bridge the gaps between high and low tech.

For more information and to view examples of her work please visit Parrell’s films are available through V Tape.



An interview with CSV Member Marnie Parrell.

Marnie Parrell is a Métis filmmaker, writer, artist and maker. Parrell began making films in 1988.

Office Hours: Weekdays 10:00 - 17:00
416.603.6564      Fax: 416.603.6566
76 Geary Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M6H 2B5 Canada
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