rentals: Mobile Gear: Lights

LED-Filex Q8 Fresnel Travel

The Fiilex Q8 Travel is a 320W tunable LED Fresnel with best-in-class optical performance. Its precisely designed 8” Fresnel lens produces a smooth light field at all beam angles (12-60°).

The Q8 Travel includes three other key features that address the needs of many film and video productions. First, the tunable CCT and hue enable the Q8’s output to blend seamlessly with existing lighting. Second, the robust construction ensures that the Q8 can withstand rough transportation and rigging conditions. Third, the intuitive LCD display and manual control knobs allow filmmakers to make quick adjustments on set.

With 48V DC battery compatibility and a weight of only 16 pounds, the Fiilex Q8 Travel is a great LED lighting fixture for on-location use.

Manual / Specs (PDF)

Artist $60.00 day
(Cultural $100.00 day)

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Office Hours: Weekdays 10:00 - 17:00
416.603.6564      Fax: 416.603.6566
76 Geary Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M6H 2B5 Canada
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