rentals: Mobile Gear: Cine Lenses

CLAVIUS LENS SET - 28mm, 38mm, 58mm, 88mm

- Full Frame / VV coverage (DXL, Monstro, Arri LF)
- Historic optical elements (Single Layer MgF2 Coated Primary Elements)
- Classical lower contrast rendering
- Ultra responsive to flaring
- Interchangeable aperture disks (ovals, soft focus, defocus distortion, apodised, translucent etc)
- Unorthodox optical designs
- f/2.0 aperture throughout the range
- Silky smooth optical characteristics

Artist $150.00 day
(Cultural $250.00 day)

Members who booked this also booked:

Arri Alexa 35 Camera Kit (1 day weekend)

Office Hours: Weekdays 10:00 - 17:00
416.603.6564      Fax: 416.603.6566
76 Geary Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M6H 2B5 Canada
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