rentals: Mobile Gear: Cameras

Panasonic AG-AF100 AVCHD with lens

Finally, a full-featured video camera that can use just about any lens and give a film-like depth-of-field without the need for an external adaptor, or the issues with using DSLR cameras for video recording.

The AG-AF100 series is the first professional HD camera recorder to adopt the "Micro Four Thirds" standards. These were announced in 2008 as an extension of the Four Thirds standards for DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) cameras. Panasonic and some other manufactures have already released a number of digital cameras and interchangeable lenses based on the Micro Fourth Thirds standards.

The "Four Thirds" name is derived from the 4/3-type (approx. 17.3 mm x 13 mm/ approx. 0.68 inches x 0.51 inches) image sensor. The size of the image sensor, the standardized lens mount developed for it, and interchangeable lenses designed exclusively for digital cameras, form the core of the Four Thirds standards. These standards were established to offer an optimal solution for digital cameras, breaking loose the confines of film camera standards. In establishing the Micro Four Thirds standards, the flange back distance (the distance from the lens mount surface to the image sensor) was reduced by about half and the mount diameter was made about 6 mm (0.24 inches) smaller than that of the Four Thirds mount. The image sensor size is the same as that of the 4/3 type used in the Four Thirds standard. The Micro Four Thirds standards have made it possible to reduce the size and weight of cameras and lenses, and to achieve greater interchangeability of lenses, together with video recording capability.

Please note: There is no SD card in the kit

Artist $30.00 day
(Cultural $40.00 day)

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Office Hours: Weekdays 10:00 - 17:00
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Toronto, Ontario M6H 2B5 Canada
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