rentals: Mobile Gear: Camera Support

Slider - 3' CinesSlider with Motor Pod

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The Kessler CineSlider™ is a robust, yet portable camera slider for rigs weighing up to 80 lbs. The 3' CineSlider 3 is a very portable solution to get quick and smooth dolly movements without having to transport a large dolly system. Best known for its drag control (much like drag on a fluid pan/tilt head), adjustable arc diameter crank handle and guarded side rails for the most versatility, this flagship product will handle anything you put on it.

Artist $50.00 day
(Cultural $70.00 day)

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Office Hours: Weekdays 10:00 - 17:00
416.603.6564      Fax: 416.603.6566
76 Geary Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M6H 2B5 Canada
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