Charles Street Video

Industrial Strength Media Art Production

Charles Street Video (CSV) is a non-profit production organization established in 1981 to help support media artists. We provide affordable access to equipment and post-production editing facilities for creating videos, films, installations and other media art forms. We offer regular workshops, training sessions and residencies.

CSV also commissions artists to create new works, and sponsors a variety of youth-oriented production programs and post-secondary scholarships. We actively participate in local exhibitions of media art through our partnerships with arts organizations and grassroots festivals.

Charles Street Video fosters the creation of media art, encourages experimentation, and develops an artistic community where emerging and established artists gather and achieve their artistic vision.

CSV is supported by its members, the Canada Council for the Arts, the Ontario Arts Council and the City of Toronto through the Toronto Arts Council for operating funding and by the Government of Canada through the Department of Canadian Heritage, the Ontario Trillium Foundation and the Canada Council for the Arts for capital funding.

 not a member?


76 Geary Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M6H 2B5

Upcoming Events

Thu 3 April
6 - 8pm
Mountains Never Meet, but people do. Opening Event Join us for the opening reception of "Mountains Never Meet, but People Do."

Recent Events

Fri 21 March
10am - 10am
Dream Data Workshop: Dream engineering and the future of the unconscious
Thu 20 March
6pm - 8pm
Introductory Screenwriting P.3
more  all events

Workshops in April

Thu 17 April
 6 - 8 pm 
Documentary Focus; Unlock the Art of Interviewing
members $0-$20  (others $55)

Recent Workshops

Thu 27 March
6pm - 9pm
Intro to Cinematography
included in Part 1
Thu 27 February
6pm - 8pm
(Part II: Thu 13 Mar
6pm - 8pm)

(Part III: Thu 20 Mar
6pm - 8pm)

Introduction to Screenwriting
included in Part 1
Tue 18 February
6pm - 8pm
Grant Writing for Artists
included in Part 1
Sun 1 December
4pm - 7pm
Projection Mapping with Mad Mapper
included in Part 1
available workshops 138 available workshops



Maker Space 2024

26 or less by Jennifer Lindsay

interactive exhibition and community-based media program interactive exhibition and community-based media program by Jennifer Lindsay  more

Staff Directory

Office: Weekdays 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
76 Geary Ave., Toronto M6H 2B5

☎ 416 603 6564

Konrad Skreta Audio/Video Technician

Ross Turnbull General Manager

Greg Woodbury Operations Manager

Christian Anderson Program Co-ordinator

Lily Chiasson

Yazid Mohamednur Equipment/Workshop Coordinator

Klaudia Topic-Ryan Financial Co-ordinator

staff+board meet the 7 staff + 9 board

Search Me


CSV Maker Space Project

Call for Proposals CSV is looking for artists and collectives interested in promoting dialogue and experimentation about media art. Through our maker space program we are facilitating an open door opportunity to engage with our space and resources.  more
Office Hours: Weekdays 10:00 - 17:00
416.603.6564      Fax: 416.603.6566
76 Geary Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M6H 2B5 Canada
Connect with CSV

YouTube's CSV profile